© 2025
Millerstown Borough Council Meeting Minutes December 2, 2024 Those in attendance: President Rob Shipp, Vice President Kevin Hertzler, Council members Rich Fegley, Tim Ritzman and Donna Showers. Secretary Karen Knellinger, Mayor John Kerns, Plant Manager Dave Stroup, Assistant Manager Jared Wagner and Operator Brycen Little. HRG engineer Isaac Underhill, Solicitor Bill Dissinger and Zoning Officer Tim Reilly. President Shipp called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Public and Private Concerns No sign ins. The minutes from the regular meeting were emailed and reviewed. Councilmember Fegley made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Councilmember Showers seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The bills/receipts/expenditures were reviewed and discussed. Vice President Hertzler made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Councilmember Ritzman seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Street Committee Report Chair Fegley had nothing to report. Brush pickup will be suspended until April 1, but Christmas trees will be picked up. Sewer Committee Dave advises basin #2 at the plant has been repaired, the brackets repaired and the diffusers replaced. The sludge pump was sent out to Weber Electric to be refurbished, the sending wire had burned off. Water Committee Report The new well meter was sent back and still does not operate. Dave will contact them about another fix. He had suggested a digital meter as an upgrade if they cannot get this to work. Power at the pump house went off sometime over the weekend. GWSD had contacted him about no power to their concession stand. Dave contacted PPL and they ran a temporary line until they could dig up and fix the broken wire, this has been done previously. Finance Committee Report After advertising and no public inquiries, Vice President Hertzler made a motion to approve and accept the final budget as presented. Councilmember Fegley seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The insurance company has provided a separate quote for cyber extortion. No motion was made to accept. A Single Audit will be needed if more than $750,000 of Federal funds is expended in one year. We will work with the auditor and HRG to prevent this added expense. Solid Waste Committee Report The bids for a new contract for 2025-2027 were properly advertised to be opened at this December meeting. Only one bid was received from Cocolamus Creek Disposal for a three year period beginning in 2025. There will be no increase needed for the 2025 budgeted amount. Councilmember Showers made a motion to approve the bid as presented. Vice President Hertzler seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous, with President Shipp abstaining. Solicitor’s Report Solicitor Dissinger presented a previously approved resolution to increase the Tax Collector’s pay from 5% to 10% annually effective at the next election in 2026. The resolution was approved in 2021, however, the administration could not process the paperwork in time for the last election and the deadline was missed. Councilmember Fegley made a motion to accept Resolution Ordinance # 2024-03. Councilmember Showers seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Engineer’s Report Isaac advises there are no active plans to review. Justin is currently working on fittings and air release valves for modification for the pigging process. He will have new quotes at the January meeting to coordinate the CCTV work, lining and replacing of pipes. The project should begin sometime in the Spring of 2025 and the funds need to be expended by September 2026. He is working with the EPA to have the funding application for a second well source ready by 12/31. The property acquisition should be ready after the test drilling has occurred and he is waiting on the hydrogeologist to coordinate the best location. DEP determines the radius amount needed by the gpm, so the amount of acreage is dependent on the yield of the test wells. The service line inventory spreadsheet was not submitted on the DEP website because the spreadsheet would not accept edits. HRG expects them to have a corrected version available sometime in 2025. Zoning Permit Zoning Officer Reilly advises he has not approved any new permits nor had any consultations. The previous issue for a homeowner without a building permit is being handled by BIU. They will likely issue a citation to the homeowner for proceeding after they were told to cease. Mayor’s Report No report. Old Business The damage to the pickup truck running board was $591. New Business The meeting schedule for 2025 was reviewed. Secretary Knellinger will have this advertised. PSAB sent a plaque for our 175th Anniversary. They requested a picture with the Council. A cake and card was presented to Dave Stroup since this will be his last meeting as he is retiring as of 1/1/25. Council thanked him for the last 21 years of employment. Councilmember Fegley made a motion to adjourn. Vice President Hertzler seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The next meeting will be held on Monday, January 6th at 7pm.
© 2025
Millerstown Borough Council Meeting Minutes December 2, 2024 Those in attendance: President Rob Shipp, Vice President Kevin Hertzler, Council members Rich Fegley, Tim Ritzman and Donna Showers. Secretary Karen Knellinger, Mayor John Kerns, Plant Manager Dave Stroup, Assistant Manager Jared Wagner and Operator Brycen Little. HRG engineer Isaac Underhill, Solicitor Bill Dissinger and Zoning Officer Tim Reilly. President Shipp called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Public and Private Concerns No sign ins. The minutes from the regular meeting were emailed and reviewed. Councilmember Fegley made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Councilmember Showers seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The bills/receipts/expenditures were reviewed and discussed. Vice President Hertzler made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Councilmember Ritzman seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Street Committee Report Chair Fegley had nothing to report. Brush pickup will be suspended until April 1, but Christmas trees will be picked up. Sewer Committee Dave advises basin #2 at the plant has been repaired, the brackets repaired and the diffusers replaced. The sludge pump was sent out to Weber Electric to be refurbished, the sending wire had burned off. Water Committee Report The new well meter was sent back and still does not operate. Dave will contact them about another fix. He had suggested a digital meter as an upgrade if they cannot get this to work. Power at the pump house went off sometime over the weekend. GWSD had contacted him about no power to their concession stand. Dave contacted PPL and they ran a temporary line until they could dig up and fix the broken wire, this has been done previously. Finance Committee Report After advertising and no public inquiries, Vice President Hertzler made a motion to approve and accept the final budget as presented. Councilmember Fegley seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The insurance company has provided a separate quote for cyber extortion. No motion was made to accept. A Single Audit will be needed if more than $750,000 of Federal funds is expended in one year. We will work with the auditor and HRG to prevent this added expense. Solid Waste Committee Report The bids for a new contract for 2025-2027 were properly advertised to be opened at this December meeting. Only one bid was received from Cocolamus Creek Disposal for a three year period beginning in 2025. There will be no increase needed for the 2025 budgeted amount. Councilmember Showers made a motion to approve the bid as presented. Vice President Hertzler seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous, with President Shipp abstaining. Solicitor’s Report Solicitor Dissinger presented a previously approved resolution to increase the Tax Collector’s pay from 5% to 10% annually effective at the next election in 2026. The resolution was approved in 2021, however, the administration could not process the paperwork in time for the last election and the deadline was missed. Councilmember Fegley made a motion to accept Resolution Ordinance # 2024-03. Councilmember Showers seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Engineer’s Report Isaac advises there are no active plans to review. Justin is currently working on fittings and air release valves for modification for the pigging process. He will have new quotes at the January meeting to coordinate the CCTV work, lining and replacing of pipes. The project should begin sometime in the Spring of 2025 and the funds need to be expended by September 2026. He is working with the EPA to have the funding application for a second well source ready by 12/31. The property acquisition should be ready after the test drilling has occurred and he is waiting on the hydrogeologist to coordinate the best location. DEP determines the radius amount needed by the gpm, so the amount of acreage is dependent on the yield of the test wells. The service line inventory spreadsheet was not submitted on the DEP website because the spreadsheet would not accept edits. HRG expects them to have a corrected version available sometime in 2025. Zoning Permit Zoning Officer Reilly advises he has not approved any new permits nor had any consultations. The previous issue for a homeowner without a building permit is being handled by BIU. They will likely issue a citation to the homeowner for proceeding after they were told to cease. Mayor’s Report No report. Old Business The damage to the pickup truck running board was $591. New Business The meeting schedule for 2025 was reviewed. Secretary Knellinger will have this advertised. PSAB sent a plaque for our 175th Anniversary. They requested a picture with the Council. A cake and card was presented to Dave Stroup since this will be his last meeting as he is retiring as of 1/1/25. Council thanked him for the last 21 years of employment. Councilmember Fegley made a motion to adjourn. Vice President Hertzler seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The next meeting will be held on Monday, January 6th at 7pm.